Tvphc: Page 3

Industry insights from our journalists

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    Elizabeth Regan
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    Modern-day bank robbing: How hackers are becoming public enemy No. 1

    The internet is the getaway car and malware is the firearm.

    Samantha Schwartz • Oct. 15, 2018
  • Why us? 6 months after ransomware attack Atlanta has no answers

    It's possible a vulnerability was found during a random scan and a hacker said, "we got a live one here," according to a security advisor.

    Samantha Schwartz • Oct. 4, 2018
  • Why aren't wages rising? An analysis

    The economy has held steady for years and unemployment remains low, yet projected market responses have not materialized.

    Kathryn Moody • Oct. 2, 2018
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    Getty Images
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    The corruption of DevOps

    A hesitancy to invoke real organizational change to implement DevOps has created an underlying reliance on the vendor landscape.

    Naomi Eide • Sept. 19, 2018
  • Sprechen Sie AI? How to cross language, cultural barriers in technology

    As any language student who has ever copied and pasted a block of text into a translation program knows, pure machine translation is often fraught with error.

    Alex Hickey • Sept. 12, 2018
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    Kendall Davis for Tvphc
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    The fight to overcome the 'not sexy' perception of industrial internet

    Companies slow to adopt the industrial internet may have missed an early mover advantage — even if they staved off burning their fingers like some initial adopters.

    Alex Hickey • Aug. 27, 2018
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    Kendall Davis / Supply Chain Dive
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    From acquisitions to audits: What's going on with Symantec?

    Though Symantec's stock has taken a notable hit since May, its products remain viable. And yet the dark cloud of an audit remains.

    Samantha Schwartz • Aug. 24, 2018
  • But what really is a quantum computer?

    There are two classes of quantum computers: universal scalable and specialized. To pick one, first figure out what problem you're trying to solve.

    Alex Hickey • Aug. 17, 2018
  • No CIO exists in a silo: What the private sector can learn from federal IT

    Operational environments differ, but CIOs across all industries experience difficulties in the policies outlined by GAO. It's time for the private sector to take notice.

    Samantha Schwartz • Aug. 13, 2018
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    Taylor McKnight/Tvphc
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    Privacy is dead, long live privacy

    After GDPR, experts and companies are trying to understand how data should be treated while injecting more privacy along the way. One solution is to treat data as currency.

    Naomi Eide • Aug. 9, 2018
  • How Slack and Atlassian landed a 'sharp jab' in Microsoft's ribs

    By Microsoft's standards, the partnership is not something that will rattle its bones, but for Slack, this is an entryway to more enterprise customers, and that's Microsoft's turf.

    Samantha Schwartz • July 30, 2018
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    How vulnerable is the grid to cyberattacks, really?

    Experts say a recent DHS briefing that warned hackers could cause widespread blackouts may have overstated the threat.

    Gavin Bade • July 25, 2018
  • The evolution of the CRM market and why Salesforce heads it

    It's taken about 30 years for customer relationship management to go from Rolodexes to artificial intelligence.

    Samantha Schwartz • July 23, 2018
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    Adobe Stock
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    For TBM practitioners, IT finance is alluring and mission critical

    Technology Business Management is gaining momentum because it encourages technology departments to operate like a business.

    Naomi Eide • July 18, 2018
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    Ryan McKnight for Tvphc
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    When it comes to privacy, California is out front. Will the rest of the country follow?

    The privacy bill "takes the definition of what we've referred to as personally identifiable information and puts it on steroids," said Fouad Khalil, head of compliance at SecurityScorecard.

    Samantha Schwartz • July 16, 2018
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    Elizabeth Regan for Tvphc
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    Under the sea: Microsoft's submarine data centers

    Cloud vendors are already using wind and solar solutions to conserve energy consumed by their servers. The next frontier, however, is in the ocean's waves.

    Samantha Schwartz • June 21, 2018
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    Supply Chain Dive
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    At C.H. Robinson, open source adoption brings iterative, fast development — almost too fast

    In 2014, the company faced a roadblock: How do you remove bottlenecks in the technology development pipeline?

    Naomi Eide • June 19, 2018
  • What's going on underneath your AI?

    From hiring to customer service, artificial intelligence rules many domains that once required the delicate human touch.

    Alex Hickey • June 14, 2018
  • Can tech drive engagement?

    It's not tech tools that drive engagement, but the productivity enabled.

    Pamela DeLoatch • June 12, 2018
  • The right training program could prevent your next data breach

    A great cybersecurity learning strategy raises awareness, but it also gives employees tools to recognize and report risks.

    Riia O'Donnell • May 31, 2018
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    Kendall Davis for Tvphc
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    What Georgia's failed 'hack back' bill says about the future of cybersecurity laws

    Legislation proposing a retaliatory cyberattack as a line of defense misses the opportunity to understand how hacks happen and how to prevent them.

    Samantha Schwartz • May 29, 2018
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    Getty Images
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    With fears of full-scale cyberwar, questions of attribution arise

    Script kiddies and credential stuffers aside, the increase in nation-state activity and cyberespionage threats have begun to plague organizations across sectors.

    Naomi Eide • May 22, 2018
  • Let onboarding tech do the heavy lifting, but don't 'over-automate' the process

    As tech promises to improve efficiency, HR can't lose sight of the need for personalization.

    Valerie Bolden-Barrett • May 15, 2018
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    Adobe Stock
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    Talend CIO: IT leaders need to buy for the future, not just for today

    Eric Johnson and Talend are doubling down on hybrid cloud, multicloud, containerization and serverless computing to usher customers into the future.

    Alex Hickey • May 11, 2018
  • WannaCry's more profitable successor: Cryptomining

    While cryptomining poses little business interruption, a fluctuating cryptocurrency market could unleash a return to traditional attack vectors.

    Naomi Eide • May 11, 2018